15th SoCal PLS: Programming Languages and Systems

The SoCal Programming Languages and Systems Workshop is an informal gathering of programming languages and systems researchers in Southern California.

This Fall, we'll meet at Pomona College on Saturday, December 5th, 2015.

Workshop in Fall 2015

The primary goals of this workshop include:

  • Providing a friendly environment for students and other researchers to present their work.
  • Strengthening ties between local institutions.
  • Learning about cool happenings in programming languages and systems!

Please submit talk proposals---and register to attend (for free)! We'll see you Saturday, December 5th!

Schedule and local information

We are meeting in the main lecture hall of Millikan Laboratory, which is at the corner of 6th and College in Claremont, CA. Parking is legal on College Ave, 6th St., and 7th St., and there should be no shortage of spaces on the weekend. Claremont is also accessible via MetroLink; Millikan Lab is just shy of half a mile from the train station on foot.

You can read the abstracts in the full program.

9:00 amBreakfast
10:00 amParallelizing Seemingly-Sequential Computations
Madan Musuvathi (MSR)
10:30 amOpenMP is Not as Easy as It Appears
Alfredo Goldman (USP)
11:00 am Break
11:15 amData-Driven Precondition Inference with Learned Features
Saswat Padhi
11:45 amSupporting Reasoning at the Hardware Level
Joseph McMahan (UCSB)
12:15 pmLunch
1:30 pmThe Sourcerer 2011 Dataset
Pedro Martins (UCI)
2:00 pmAbstractor: Embedding Imperative Programs Into Linear Temporal Logic for Hybrid Systems Reasoning
Mario Alvarez (UCSD)
2:30 pmBreak
3:00 pmFuzzing for SMT Solvers
Kyle Dewey (UCSB)
3:30 pmMeta-FRP for livecoding audio
John Clements, Cal Poly
4:00 pmDiscussion/quick ideas
4:30 pmBusiness meeting

Important Dates

Thursday, November 19th Tuesday, November 24th Abstract deadline extended! (end of day)(submit a talk proposal)
Friday, November 20th Wednesday, November 25th Notification of acceptance
Wednesday, November 25th Tuesday, December 1st Registration deadline extended!(register)
Saturday, December 5th SoCal workshop

Submission Guidelines

Both original research and work that has been published in other venues is welcome!

Authors should submit abstracts of at most ~300 words via a Google form The submission deadline is Tuesday, November 17th, 2015 Tuesday, November 24th, by the end of the day.

Selected abstracts will be presented as a talk or a poster. The program committee will determine the length of the talks based on the number and content of the abstracts; and they'll provide more information when they notify you of acceptance.


Please indicate that you will attend by registering with this Google form. You can register for multiple people, and there is no registration fee.

Please register by Monday, November 23rd Tuesday, December 1st, so that we can get an accurate headcount for ordering food.


Past meetings

2015Spring Chapman University
2014Fall UCSD
2014Spring Harvey Mudd College
2013Fall UCLA
2013Spring UCSB
2012Fall UCR
2012Spring UCI
2011Fall UCSD
2011Spring Harvey Mudd College
2010Fall UCLA
2008Fall Pomona
2006Fall Caltech
2004Spring UCLA
2002Fall UC Santa Barbara