Ravi Chugh, Patrick Rondon, Ranjit Jhala (UC San Diego)
Nested Refinements: A logic for Duck Typing
Ross Tate (UC San Diego)
Designing the Ceylon Type System
Alen Stojanov (UC Irvine)
Return oriented programming in standalone executables
Hessam Samimi and Todd Millstein (UC Los Angeles)
Repairing PHP Web Applications
Miuath Alkhalaf and Tevfik Bultan (UC Santa Barbara)
Verifying client-side input validation functions using string analysis
Jeffrey McDaniel, Aurelila Baez, Brian Crites, Aditya Tammewar, Douglas Hill and Philip Brisk (UC Riverside)
The case for microfluidic hardware design languages
Kishore Pusukuri, Rajiv Gupta and Laxmi Bhuyan (UC Riverside)
Co-scheduling multithreaded programs on multicore systems
Donghwan Jeon, Saturnino Garcia, Chris Louie and Michael Taylor (UC San Diego)
Kismet: Speedup Estimates for serial programs
Pamela Bhattacharya, Iulian Neamtiu (UC Riverside)
Assessing programming language impact on development and maintenance: A study on C and C++
Stephen Foster, Sorin Lerner and William Griswold (UC San Diego)
WitchDoctor: A system for refactoring on the fly
Christoph Kerschbaumer and Eric Hennigan (UC Irvine)
Information Flow in Web Browsers
Alexei Kopylov, Aleksey Nogin and George Kuan (Hughes Research Labs)
A library for integrity information flow policy and robust declassification
Eric Griffis, Jeffrey Vaughan, Todd Millstein (UC Los Angeles)
A platform for expressive and secure data sharing with untrusted third parties
Yan Wang, Min Feng, Rajiv Gupta and Iulian Neamtiu (UC Riverside)
QuickZoom: A state alteration and inspection-based interactive debugger
Jaideep Nijar and Tevfik Bultan (UC Santa Barbara)
Bounded verification of Ruby on Rails data models
Daniel Grissom, Christopher Curtis, Philip Brisk (UC Riverside)
Compiling biocoder assays onto digital microfludic biochips
Min Feng and Rajiv Gupta (UC Riverside)
The SpiceC parallel programming system
Saturnino Garcia, Donghwan Jeon and Michael Taylor (UC San Diego)
Kremlin: Rethinking and rebooting gprof for the multicore age